(Write: Sptember 27, 2006)
From October 16 to 27, 2006 at Antiquary (Ginza, Tokyo)
Exhibition Title [Exhibition of Note showwit]
Place Antiquary
Open Mon.`Fri.16:00`24:00, Sat.16:00`22:00, Sun.Close
Open 8:00-25:00
Address 2F dai26 pole star building, 7-2-14, Ginza,Chu-oh-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Phone +81-3-6215-8881
Gallery's Web Site http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~bt-st/
(Write: March 8, 2005)
From March 30 to April 30, 2005 at Prinz (in Kyoto)
Exhibition Title [SEIKINABABY 11]
Place Prinz 1F Gallery
Open 8:00-25:00
Address 5,Tanaka,Takahara-cho,Sakyo-ku Kyoto,JAPAN
Phone +81-75-712-3900
Gallery's Web Site http://www.prinz.jp
October 24-30, 2004 at Gallery KYO
Note Showwit personal exhibition (Invited exhibition) (Finished)
(Write: October 31, 2004)
Thank you for many visiting!